The dollar price of Tuesday, September 17, 2024 in Mexico, I quote on average:

1 dollar = 19.1258 Pesos MNX   Exchange rate has decreased in the comparison of the previous day

BUY18.2654  SELL19.4512
-0.5500 %

Price of the dollar in Mexican Banks

Exchange rate in Afirme18.2019.80
Exchange rate in Banco Azteca18.5020.10
Exchange rate in Banca Mifel16.3717.54
Exchange rate in Banco Azteca18.2019.50
Exchange rate in Banco Finterra16.7017.44
Exchange rate in Bancoppel16.5017.43
Exchange rate in Bancrea16.6717.39
Exchange rate in Banjercito16.5217.53
Exchange rate in Bankaool16.5117.32
Exchange rate in Banorte17.8519.45
Exchange rate in Banregio18.1019.70
Exchange rate in Bansefi16.3217.47
Exchange rate in Bansi16.8017.32
Exchange rate in Bancomer18.2319.39
Exchange rate in CIBanco16.6217.38
Exchange rate in Citibanamex16.5117.47
Exchange rate in Compartamos Banco16.6517.42
Exchange rate in HSBC18.6120.15
Exchange rate in Inbursa16.3018.00
Exchange rate in IXE17.8519.45
Exchange rate in Monex18.1120.01
Exchange rate in Santander18.9520.65
Exchange rate in Scotiabank17.0020.80
Exchange rate in Ve por Mas18.4119.81

Dollar price in Government Institutions

Exchange rate in Bank of Mexico - FIX19.2670
Exchange rate in Bank of Mexico -  Interbanking19.1399
Exchange rate for payment of obligations denominated in US dollars, payable in the Mexican Republic19.5887
Exchange rate in Official Journal of the Federation19.2483
Exchange rate in SAT19.2483

Price of the average Dollar in currency exchange


Price of the average dollar in the international airport of Mexico City


Exchange rate on credit cards

Exchange rate in American Express16.6517.51
Exchange rate in Mastercard16.6617.50
Exchange rate in Visa16.6717.50

Exchange rate in professional financial information services

Exchange rate in Infosel19.1091
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