Today´s average dollar price in currency exchange houses.


Today´s average dollar price at Mexico City Airport.


Exchange Rate in Professional Financial Information Services.

Welcome to, where you will find all the information you need regarding how much the dollar is priced in Mexico today. Where you can check how much is the dollar today at the different banks in Mexico as well as the average exchange rate in the exchange houses, also the exchange rate of the dollar in the International Airport of Mexico City and how is the dollar in the different credit cards.

Know the opening and closing of markets for the exchange rate and ask how much is the official exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Mexican peso.

You will also find the price of the historic dollar and be able to make a comparison of the exchange rate of the dollar in Mexico. Follow the exchange rate of the peso with the dollar minute by minute. Know the information of the price of the Mexican Dollar / Peso in Mexico of purchase and sale that they offer us to the public in general allows us to take the correct decision that better suits our pocket at the time of realizing transactions with this currency.

The U.S. dollar is the official currency of the United States of America and is the most used by tourists around the world, although also in eight countries have it as the official currency (United States of America, Ecuador, El Salvador, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Timor Leste and Zimbabwe). The U.S. dollar is and remains the most widely used currency in the world economy, so it is important to be informed of fluctuations in this currency.

The U.S. dollar is the official currency in which the Bank of Mexico saves its international reserves. In the stock exchanges of all countries in the world use the U.S. dollar as an element on which to guarantee and measure the various transactions made in their operations.

U.S. dollar bills and coins are made up of five dollar fractions that have their own name:
- One cent: penny.
- Five cents: nickel.
- Ten cents: tell me.
- Twenty-five cents: quarter.
- Fifty cents: half dollar.

And with respect to the bills, they are a total of seven: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars.

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